You can display snippets of translated text within your Help Center page templates. The translated variant of the text changes dynamically based on the user’s selected language, which can be updated using a language selector.
Examples of where you can use translated text include:
- A welcome message on the Home page
- A company tag line
- Service alerts and notifications
- Legal notices and disclaimers
Many of the pre-built page elements used in Help Center are already localized. For example, the element that lets users vote on an article displays “Was this article helpful?” in English and “Cet article vous a-t-il été utile?” in French.
For a list of available pre-translated strings, see the translation helper in the Help Center Templates docs.
Custom translated text uses the dynamic content feature in Support.
Specifying the language variants of the text in Support
You specify the language variants of a snippet of text on the Manage > Dynamic Content page in Zendesk Support. For instructions, see Providing multiple language support with dynamic content.
For example:
Add the content in the same language variants as the languages you support on your Help Center. If you don’t specify a variant for a language, nothing will be displayed in that language in the Help Center.
For example, suppose your Help Center supports English and French for a Canadian website. Add English and French variants of each snippet of text.
Make a note of the item name. You’ll need it for the following step. In the previous example, the placeholder is {{dc 'welcome_message'}}
, so the item name is “welcome_message”.
Inserting the dynamic content in a template in Guide
Insert your text variants in Help Center templates with the dynamic content helper. When the page is requested by a web browser, the template helper inserts the appropriate text variant.
Do not include Curlybars in your dynamic content. Curlybar expressions placed inside dynamic content will not render correctly in Help Center, but will instead appear as text.
In Guide, click the Customize design icon (
) in the sidebar.
Click the theme you want to edit to open it.
Click Edit Code.
In the Templates section, click the template you want to modify.
The page opens in the code editor.
Add the dynamic content in your template using the dynamic content helper. Example:
{{dc 'welcome_message'}}
If the dynamic content is missing a variant, then the default variant will be used when that locale is viewed in Help Center. Guide managers, however, will see an error message for dynamic content that does not have a variant for the current locale when they edit the Help Center theme.
To save your changes, click Save at the top of the sidebar.
For more information on working with templates, see Working with the page code.
Hi Michelle,
We can certainly help, this is a common question. Have you added the translated article to a corresponding translated category and section? Check out Adding translations to sections and categories for more information on how to do this. Does this solve your problem?
I have a translated artitcle in French but my customers are telling me they can't view the page. Can you please help me?
Oh yes it does, thanks for the tip!
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